Wednesday, February 5, 2014


Dear You:
I feel like I am you. The month’s of our birth are right next to each other, only because you are September and me, August we are the same, we are very different but very much the same. I started reading Sisters Of The Yam because my beautiful oldest daughter told me she had read some of it and I should read it, she found it so much like me, her mom. We talk all the time about how I wanna be a writer and how I love to read and we discuss so much about ourselves as black people, black women, she as my daughter and how she is dealing with all that she encounters in her life. I am so glad she is what I like to call enlightened, she calls me a genius. I have another daughter and she is just as beautiful and talkative and still rather raw around the edges at what life offers us.

 I just really want to say that everything I have read since the first thing I read that you wrote has mirrored me I feel you are me, or I am you or somehow we are the same people of course details are not exactly the same but even a website listed in Wikipedia in your profile at the bottom with external inks listed is nearly the same as the name I chose for my first website in my web design class, “allaboutlove” was the name of the site for my final project.

I believe in the ancestors too, that they are with us and they push us to be who we are and they are important to know about and I even thought when I write I want to write using a pseudonym, before I even knew that bell hooks was yours, maybe we are here on the same mission, could it be. It is as if every ten years a new one is sent into the world to usher in the rest who want to come along and when I think about the stories of Moses and then Jesus, and you and me I get all lifted.

It is so overwhelming. I am writing this now like I can’t stop until I get it all out. I know you understand what I mean. I am so determined, and honestly not very afraid, after all I have not much more to be afraid of I want to try everything there is that I can To help myself be what I wanna in this world, a writer, and you have done that I have taught math to children 3rd to 12th grade, I have returned to college and worked full-time and completed an AA then a BS and have worked in many jobs, but I have not ever been fulfilled and I have never been able to shake the words of a college creative writing teacher who told me that I have a flair for writing. It haunts and I have always written things down, I have a diary from middle school and I remember writing things down much earlier in my life and I have poems too.

You... I swear are me or I am you, I wanna try this writing thing more than ever in my life now, right now, and I write a lot now, and I need a job to pay my bills and I still write like I am doing now sometimes it floods the mind , body and soul and I get to going and I don’t even punctuate or anything:>) I just go like I am doing now , I don’t even know if you will read this or if you will throw it out, but I know I am you or you are me. If you do read this and you get this far into it and you decide that you wanna contact me and help me along the way call 404-916-9368 or email

Thank you for you!
Tweets by @hotchocolatefox