Friday, May 9, 2014

C.H.J. Taylor - His Book


To my fellow citizens, of every race and creed, this little pamphlet is respectfully addressed. I beg you to take it. Read it, and think about what is said in its pages. This is the use of hook writing. Oratory is at a discount.

Men now, instead of attending the meetings where eminent and eloquent persons are to speak, engage their time at other work, relying confidently on the morning paper bringing to the breakfast table a full report of what was said.

I have decided to call this talk Whites and Blacks, or The Question Settled. In order to fully and intelligently present the views herein contained, certain divisions have been made. The talk is classified, or treated under seven different “Captions" or “Titles."
Since the subject must be treated, words shall not be minced. The truth shall be told, not for the purpose of giving offense, but in order to save, or, at least, help in that direction.

This is no time to consider what w policy, or what will unite public sentiment. The only rule by which these views are governed is the rule of right and justice, as seen through the spectacles of Christianity. Somewhere in the book, I firmly believe, will be found the remedy for the settlement of "the race question." Head every word, read every sentence, remembering always that the intention and sole desire I, the author, is to do good, and not to gain any honor or glory from this effort. To God belongs all honor, glory and praise. 

If anything is said ill-rein which you consider out of place, or ill-advised, remember the motive and continue to read the little book until it is entirely yours. Then make up your verdict. I have tried to avoid the use of large words, and to refrain from, rhetorical word-picturing, in order to gain your favor, believing that if I attempted to show forth extraordinary learning, your critical inclination of this message would cause you to be impressed differently from the way it is intended. You will find that what is here said is a plain statement of facts, by a very plain man, a man who cares more to stand well in the presence of foils and Ids conscience than before any other tribunal. My aim is to serve the public. To serve my God, my country and my people, is the reason why I send these leaves to you. I am sure you will read the message in the spirit of fairness.

Yours for God and my country,

C.H.J. Taylor.

Atlanta, December, 1889.

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