Thursday, May 8, 2014

C.H.J. Taylor - - -The Man

C.H.J. Taylor


The writer of this pamphlet is a remarkable man. He has held as many honorable positions as any man of his race in the United States: 

1. Leading his college class, graduating with honor studying law.

2. Teaching school.

3. Admitted to the bar of the lowest courts after battling his way into the Supreme Court of the United states.

4. Deputy district attorney in an Indiana district.

5. Lecturer under the auspices of Lycee of Indiana. 

6. Chairman of State Conventions. 

7. Corporation attorney of Kansas City, Kansas. 

8. Publisher and editor of newspapers. 

9. Contributor to magazines. 

10.  Secretary of Colored State Central Committees. 

11.  Leading and controlling spirit in the only Negro National Democratic Convention.

12.  United States Minister and Consul-General to Liberia under the administration of President Cleveland. 

13.  Agent for the Virginia Normal and Collegiate Institute.

14.  Elected from Kansas as a representative from the State at large to the Democratic National Convention of 1888.

Making eloquent speeches for his party, which gained alike the admiration of friend and foe in New York, St. Louis, Louisiana, Missouri, Wichita and Leavenworth, Kansas, as well as in Ohio, Indiana and Iowa, chaining audiences of thousands in rapt attention by his oratory.

Still a young man, being only thirty-three years old, he is as vigorous as ever, refusing to consider what is popular, but being governed by what he believes to be right, sinking self in his love for his people and his country. Respected by every judge and lawyer of his acquaintance, he with modesty, though surrounded by compliments and covered with praise that would ruin a weaker man, continues to practice his chosen profession, the law. His success in this respect has been the talk of the whole town.

Following men of his race who had Keen here and conducted themselves in such a manner as to cause them to be censured on every hand, it was hardly expected that he could succeed, but he has. A number of the most prominent members of the bar in Atlanta have tried cases in which he appeared as associate counsel. Many of them have met him as a legal opponent in "causes," and have admitted his splendid ability and respectful deportment. 

Mr. Taylor has proven that a gentleman, without regard to color, can live in Atlanta and be as well respected as in Boston or the most Northern city. He has published, from time to time, many articles of interest during his stay in Atlanta in the Constitution and other papers of the State. He has been kindly mentioned by all of them, and we are sure that writings sent out by such a man will always find a host of deeply interested readers. This is written in the popular style and ought in he enjoyed by all.

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